The fact that no one has commented on how ugly the new fonts/ colour of this newsletter are.
Blindingly bright and cold days. I used to call these ‘sunglasses and jacket’ days with a person I cared for deeply. These are my favourite days!
Feeling very safe in my apartment
Dreaming vividly and telling cuties about my extremely weird dreams
Sleeping hence the dreaming.
Living with a very kind and gentle giant who makes me dinner and leaves quarters by the door for my laundry.
Calling my friends and feeling so proud of them and the incredible lives they are creating
Homemade pasta sauce a la jolius
Thanksgiving bagels, fresh fruit and polenta at Claire’s after her turkey trot
Julia reading aloud two texts I sent and crying with laughter both times :)
Chloe’s questions and slight head tilt when she asks them
Movie nights with freshly baked brownies
Kim “ the dishwasher” Rodrig
Reading more - currently reading a great book called “The Best Creative Non-Fiction” for someone who always tries but can never truly get into short stories this is great as the formats and length vary and you can just sort of jump in and out.
Champagne and covid tests on the terrace
Sudoku - My mom does the NYT Sudokus every day. I have started them too and I must admit I’m loving … who knows maybe I’ll get into wordle.
The fact one of my friends calls The Scratcher “The Scratchy Scratch”
Being in a fancy apartment on the Upper West Side and having a huge hole in your sock so big your big toe pokes out all day and feeling like a pauper.
My friends and my family. I miss my family very much but so so so grateful for friends I get to call family in New York and the space they have made for me in their families.
Life is but a dream!!!